UVERworld goods Update: Akira b-day goods & Warm-Up GIG 2022 goods

 The mail order of the Akira birthday goods has gone on sale starting July 1st, and will go from:

July 1, 2022 (Fri.) 15:00 - July 10, 2022 (Sun.) 23:59

Cost: 5,000 yen

Scheduled to begin shipping: early to mid-October 2022 or later.

Please check for more information here: https://nsw.uverworld.jp/feature/memberproducegoods202203

A new towel has been added to the warm up tour goods, we now also have an OUR ALWAYS bath towel on top of the t-shirt.

details of the mail order will be announced at a later date, after the last performance.

please check for more information here: https://store.plusmember.jp/uverworld/products/list.php?category_id=2817
